Contact us

You can always count on us for whatever you need

At UNIKA, we offer you a wide variety of solutions in enclosures systems, solar protection, and decoration in the market to improve your life spaces, adapting to your needs and style, so you can feel safe and at ease.

A universe full of possibilities always at the forefront with ALUMED.

¿ Let’s talk!?

    Alicante Headquarters

    C/ Dracma, P. 69-74,
    Pol. Ind Las Atalayas Bzn 20114
    03114  Alicante.
    t. 965170026 f. 965170032

    Valencia Headquarters

    C/ Ciudad de Barcelona,1
    R Pol. Ind. Fuente del Jarro C.P.46988 Paterna (Valencia) 
    t. 961345275 f. 961345279

    Mallorca Headquarters

    Vial 3, Nave 16-17
    Pol. Ind. Son Llaut
    C.P. 07320
    Santa María del Camí
    t. 971141061
    f. 971141064

    Canarias Headquarters

    Pol. Ind. de Güimar Manzana E,
    Parcela 6, Nave 1
    38509 – Arafo
    Sta. Cruz de Tenerife.
    t. +34 670 779 706